Love, Life & Other Mysteries

Thursday, May 03, 2007

New Phone

Ok...I've been eyeing the Sony Ericsson W880i for a while now. I just love it! The price is a little steep but I love, love, love it!!!! The silver one looks so chic!

As I was showing FunkyMonkeyErin the phone the other day, she happen to see that Dopod PDA phone going for the same price. Alamak!!!

My dilemma!!! I've always wanted a PDA phone because of the fact that its useful and I won't need to carry a diary around. My one problem with the PDA phone is that it's bulky and its heavy. The Dopod weighs 150g. The W880i on the other hand only weighs 10g! Crap!!!! There are more features to talk about la but then I would really sound geeky... :p

How now? Can you help me decide by giving me your opinion please :)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If all you want from a PDA phone is a diary, then you don't really need a PDA phone.

The W880i has calendar function. If the W880i features are good enough for your usage, then why sacrifice the sleekness and lightness for something that's bulkier and heavier? And a name like Dopod? sounds stu....

6:03 PM  
Blogger HobbiT said...

The w880i's keypad abit the tiny, no? Although I must say, it doesn't look stunning. And I think sony's a good choice. I don't know much abt the dopod though... why don't u ask ppl who have one, ask for their opinion.

6:34 PM  

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