Love, Life & Other Mysteries

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

First Day

I started work today and just like everyone else, you worry about the day of wasn't nerve wrecking but I must say I was a little nervous. My fears were put at ease when I met the people I would be working with for the next 6 weeks or so...They're an ok bunch...The place is great...even though the center is by the main road, its still very quiet...peaceful...

I won't complain about anything as I think it's a great place to work but it's not for me. I cannot see myself working here for the next year or's not my scene. I like peace and quiet but I thrive on the busyness of an office where everyone is so caught up with their own work with meeting datelines or meeting clients. I just love that...don't ask me why...I just do.

Nothing interesting happened on the first much for being excited...



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