Today, First Love was on MSN messenger with me and he brought up Jack In The Box, asking me if Jack In The Box had a problem with him.
With that, suddenly I am flooded with memories of him all over again. I've been trying to put him behind me and have been doing well until now. That face is just playing in my mind like an old film and getting me distracted.
Mood at the moment: Distracted.
But I'll be fine. Don't worry Nick, I'll be fine.
The following are snap shots of camp courtesy of Swenie...thanks girl!

Swenie and I before doing our very own "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire"..yes,yes...I owe you 20 dinners...Kena CON!!!!

The cutest girl on stage and off little teddy bear Sonia

Hi all....It has been a while since I last posted anything. Was busy with work and then I was off for Christmas outreach. Will post some pictures up once I get hold of them.
SWENIE!!!! where are the pictures you promised?????
I'm off to Malacca today for company 'meeting / annual dinner'. It's gonna be party party party all night long from what I've heard.
More pictures to come.
At the flower farm next to the vegetable farm

New advertisement photo for the hit series 'LOST'

Went to my colleague's uncle's farm, this is the work of my own farming...hehe...huge sweet potatoes..yummy!

Shirley...our Miss Absolut

another crazy picture taken at the apartment

going crazy...hehe

Outside the strawberry farm

Yummy tea at the Boh Plantation

After working hard for the last few weeks, a few of my colleagues and myself took a break and drove up to Cameron's for the weekend. Here are some pics to share..
