Love, Life & Other Mysteries

Monday, July 23, 2007

Just a Post

Met up with Crystopolitan and Shukreen for dinner on Saturday. It was suppose to be a small dinner gathering of Crystopolitan's HELP friends which turned out to be only the 3 of us because Archana couldn't make it and SmallCyn was stuck in the office.

Anyway, we updated each other on our working lives (except from Crys who is still in school!!!). Shuk announced that she recently got her house and had moved in. My god...I was shocked! Damn, the girl is younger than me and already has her own place!!!
Make mental note. "Must save money to buy my own place."

On a side note, I started reading this book called "It's a Wonderful Lie : 26 truths about life in your twenties" by Emily Franklin. SexyIsabel dedicated this book to me when she reviewed it in her blog. It's a compilation of confessions by women authors and they talk about how they got through the 'Quarter Life Crisis' that I so fondly talk about.

If you get the chance, do have a read. This book really touches the core issues that women in their 20's face. So if we think we're the only ones going through this problem, we're not alone. It's the same story for pretty much every woman in their 20's.



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