Hot House 2008 came to an end on Friday, 23 May with us presenting our graduation projects and receiving our certs at dinner.
The Slurpies and I pulled an all nighter to get our presentation together thanks to procrastination. We pretty much didn't sleep from Thursday morning till early Satursday morning, juggling between our daily work and our graduation project. We each only probably got about and hours worth of sleep in between while finishing up our work at SlurpyChiMing's house. We finished everything at 8.30am on Friday, went home to get ready and meet again at SlurpyChiMing's house. Then off we went to Royale Bintang to present and pretty much stayed awake zombified for the rest of the day untill dinner and and the after party.
SlurpyAnusha and I were complaining how tired and sleepy we were when we were at SlurpyChiMing's house but somehow, through some kind of miracle, we felt the adrenaline rush from all the excitement when were saw our other fellow hot housers.
Picture time! Excuse me for looking high throughout most of them because I was high!

The SLURPIES!! (L to R : Joy, ChiMing, Anusha, me & WenHo)
AlreadyGoneDesmond, myself and SlurpyJoy at dinner

Me, Suvvea and Destine (our dropout...missed you at our preso dude)

One for the road singing 'Wild World' (all gone KO)
SmallCyn and I organized a little baby shower for FoxyIsabel..well...I helped out where I could :)
A small gathering just for us close friends and our little Archie
I've been busy with my graduation project. Our 3 months training is coming to an end and our graduation presentation is officially 9 days away and we still have so much to do!!!! DIE!!!
I must say that I was quite worried when they announced the groups because of the idea that I may not be able to work with these people. The right group members is very crucial for all of us because this isn't just any one of our assignments, its our freaking graduation project. The one project that determines our bosses impressions of us!
Anyway, I'm very glad I have my team members...bunch of monkeys that talk cock half the time but still get work done and the great thing is that we're all on the same wave length so it's been easy to get along from the start. We've been meeting up everyday including Sundays and we've developed relationships with one another that is not just on a working level but a personal level. Its not always easy especially with the late nights or should I say early mornings that we've been doing but we've started to share things about our personal life and we've come to care for each other and take concern for each others well being. We talk crap most of the time but when we work, we bring out the best in each of us. That's what makes us a team. They're really an amazing bunch of people and I'm glad I have the opportunity to work with them.
Overall, I'm pretty glad that I was part of this training programme. I've met some and have gotten the opportunity to work with some amazing people and have thoroughly enjoyed myself. I hope I have somehow grown just a little more as a person.