Love, Life & Other Mysteries

Monday, December 06, 2004

Closing of a Chapter

It's been a while since I last put my thoughts down. I have been busy with assignments and final exams and now it's all over. In many ways I should be happy and thankful that it's all finally over but yet, there is a part of me that misses all that stress and worry. I think the major reason for this feeling is that when I put down my pen after calculating the last figures of my accounting paper, the one thought that ran through my mind is that it's all over. This was the day I had been waiting for for such a longime and now it's finally here...the day I leave college to start a new life (better hope I pass that darn research paper).

I think what I'll miss most about college is the people. I've met my share of people that have some how made a way to my heart and my life. As much as we sometimes try to block people out, it's never possible because I always believe that the people we meet are there for a reason. People cross our paths as God's way of teaching us vertain lessons. I've had my fair share of disappointment in friends but yet I know that I must not dwell in the disappointment but rather take it as a lesson to be learnt. But life in college isn't only about disappointment, it's also about fun and getting to know yourself better. It's also seeing a prt of you that you never thought you had (in a good way).

Throughout the four long years, I've had to put up with bad group mates, people that I find annoying, intimidating people,trust issues and patience. It has been hard at times but the lesson I learnt from all this is that 'what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger' and I believe it. Life in college hasn't killed me yet but it has sure taught me to be stronger and to stand firm even when I felt like I was falling.

Next year will be a whole new year and a whole new chapter altogether. I have my worries about not getting a job that I want or getting the job I want but I hate it the moment I start. I have my worries about bad bosses or bad colleagues. But I trust that God knows my heart and my desires and will provide a job that he sees best for me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sooooo gonna miss seeing you around college. Do come back and visit. I'll buy you a drink each time you come back haha. Good luck with job-hunting. You've got everything they'll be looking for. And more =)

8:10 PM  

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