Love, Life & Other Mysteries

Monday, July 23, 2007

My Goodbye Letter

Dear Vain_ _ _....

It's been a month since the confession from both of us but yet there are times that it feels like it was only yesterday. Yes, I must admit it does hurt that things did not go the way we planned it for but I try to tell myself that it was for the better.

Lately though, I've come to feel that you're avoiding me. It feels like there's always an excuse for you to hang up or refuse the offer of meeting up. I could be wrong, I could be reading too much into things but yet, I could be right.

Anway, this is to tell you that I don't wanna see you in the light of someone that I have feelings for anymore because I know thats never gonna happen. But if you cannot see that, then maybe its not worth my time trying anymore.

Thanks for your time...while it lasted anyway. Goodbye for now. Till you realize that your frienship means more to me than a relationship...

I'll always try to be there for you, even if you don't see it now...that's what the pillow is for...




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