Love, Life & Other Mysteries

Thursday, August 17, 2006


*Sigh*...a simple story turned upside down can cause an eruption between two people. How easy it is for someone else to misunderstand what you are trying to say. No wonder we have wars.

Communication. We can't live with it and we can't live without it. There are times we can't live with it because it bugs the crap out of us when we don't understand each other. Yet, we cannot live without it.

Here's an example, there's that game where you communicate a message to the person beside you and it goes around the circle. The message never comes out the same way you intended it to be. At the end, yeah, you have a good laugh after that.

But what happens when the miscommunication happens between you and a friend. You said something and then he thought something else and then he tells your friend what he thought you meant and then she tells you what he said he thought you meant. Sounds confusing. Not really. Because by this time, you're frustrated that no one got the correct idea and you get angry at your friend for reasons because of this o_0

And the thing about women, we love to bring up the past that has nothing to do with the recent miscommunication. Yes, I admit we tend to do that *sigh*

I think he got the wrong idea. I did want to meet up with him and the girl. Heck, I haven't seen them in a while. But he thought I wasn't interested. She asks me why I didn't come and I told my side ofthe story. And then she related her side and somehow it didn't gel and BOOM! I'm getting frustrated and she's getting mad o_0




Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! u neva told me bout this. u owe me a story! tmr night! =) see ya! lol

3:44 PM  

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