Love, Life & Other Mysteries

Friday, August 05, 2005

Thinking and Doing It

OK, I did mention in one of my blogs that I must definitely get my navel piercing done by June or else someone should just shoot me. Well, it's way past June but before you make your move, I have news for you, I did it yesterday! I finally overcame that fear of the needle going through my skin and did it.
Some of you will probably say, "'ve got so many piercings on your ear, what's another one through your navel?" Or even the question my brother posed to me yesterday when I told him about it..."Gee, its really nothing isn't it?" Here are some comments I got yesterday from my friends, some of you may identify your comments:-
"Why la?"
"Yay! Andrea did it!"
"Aiya...working la...can't kay po...dang!"
No, No...I didn't tell the whole world about it...ok...almost...but they were mostly people that I had been talking about it to.
OK, here's the thing...piercing my ears...not a problem at'll only hurt for a while. I would have gotten my piercing done a long time ago if it wasn't for that one time where I witnessed a tongue piercing. After I saw how the needle goes through and stays there for a few seconds before the guy puts the stud in, I chickened out big time. So I've been working my motivation skills overtime just to coax myself to do and yesterday, I just said to myself...."stop thinking about it and just do it for crying out loud!"
See...thats the thing with humans...we're always thinking about it before doing something. It can be good and yet at the same time..thinking too much about everything hinders us from doing the things that we want to do...take me for instance...Before I got the job that I'm about to start, I called them up to ask about the vacancy and they said that they were in the midst of confirming someone but that I should still send it in anyway...I thought about it and then I just gave up. The thing is, I shouldn't have thought about it but just send in my resume. Thank God for the lady that works there. She called me up and asked me to send it so that they could be sure they were making the right choice. If I didn't just do it, I think I would still be unemployed today.
I'm not saying we should just take the jump everytime an opportunity rises. We can deliberate about it but if its so trivial...then what in the world are we waiting for????



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