TheJokerAkhi was complaining that my blog is just about what I do and that I should be more controvercial and talk about politics or something...but I think he's really just jealous that his face is not on my blog. Well...took a picture of him with his pal JoeD'Moe. TheJokerAkhi is still single please help yourself...his number is....
L - R : JoeD'Moe & TheJokerAkhi
BabyGirlMary came home for a visit during the CNY break. It was only when I saw her that I realized that I missed her so much during the time that she hasn't been around. But I guess us girls will have to get used to it coz she got her PR in Australia :(
We went to her place for lunch and then made plans to go to Laundry that night, maybe in hopes of prolonging the thought of having her around. All of us hanging out together brought back memories of college days.
Pictures taken at her house and then at Laundry courtesy of JosiePosie's camera.
Clockwise L - R : JosiePosie, Me, Ivee & BabyGirlMary

A nice group picture of us (Clockwise L - R) : JosiePosie, Me, SmallCyn, Bianca, BabyGirlMary & Geraldine). It's not a complete group of us but hey...better than nothing

BabyGirlMary & Me (we still do our baby voices with each other...hehe)
At Laundry (L - R) : Me, Sabrina, Diane & Geraldine. Sabrina also came back for the holidays and so she was an addition to the group but still not complete

Clockwise L - R : SmallCyn, Me, JosiePosie, Sabrina, BabyGirlMary, Geraldine & Diane
You must think that it was just us girls...No...there was TheChineseEdward (Josie's new name for him), Melvin, Damien (Mary's bf), CynSeow and Amanda.
Looking at the pictures that JosiePosie sent, makes me miss college days and the good times...
It's starting again...that feeling that I may never settle down is starting to creep in on me again...
It's like as if I have Bi-polar Depression. I experience the manic stage where I'm happy where I am and that it doesnt bother me that I'm single. I should be happy because I have all the freedom to eat when I want, sleep when I want to and go anywhere as I please.
But then when I look at the couples around me, that's when it hits me I'm very much alone even though I have my freedom.
So instead of Bi-polar Depression, I suffer Bi-polar Singleness.
Pictures from our dinner on Friday at TSB. This picture wasn't a clear one of SexyIsabel but it, in my opinion caught the very essence of her.
Another picture that captures the one thing that makes SmallCyn who she is. Very candid but yet a picture of who she is to the us girls.
This one if of PrincessSteph. The image of a smile but a face of mystery as to what she's thinking.
After reunion dinner on Saturday, was helping mommy do the dishes and our darling Mama cat was hiding near the washing area. She couldn't come out of her hiding place coz my mom was squirting water at her. The two pictures were caught when she was peeping through the kitty bowls.
Over the CNY holidays, got the rest needed, updated my movie list and went visiting.
Ghost Rider wasn't too bad I thought. I have to say that this is the first time I find Nicholas Cage cute! There was this part in the movie where he and the other ghost rider go off to fight the bad guy and he gets onto his motorcycle and he says "Let's ride!"
Oh...the dramaqueen was swooning and drooling coz he looked oh so delicious!
Norbit was slapstick funny. If you're not having the time of your life and you need something to make you laugh, this movie would be it. From the beginning to the end, you'll be laughing. Eddie Murphy played 3 roles in the movie, not bad at all...
On the way to the movies, I mentioned to Hobbit that CatchMeNot got drunk the night before and she asked why I cared. Funny enough, I know I shouldn't have to but I just do. Sigh...
Today's SexyIsabel's birthday!! Happy Birthday darling!!!
We took her out for dinner last night at TSB. Dinner was good and so was the, we didn't drink till we were drunk. Just 2 bottles of wine...hehe...CatchMeNot came to surprise me for like 5 minutes...oh and SmallCyn and SexyIsabel, he said he wouldn't mind dancing in between the 2 of you last night!!!!
We stayed over at SexyIsabel's place last night. Hope PrincessSteph is ok.
Well, its Chinese New Year just a few hours more. A good long weekend for me to rest from the stress.
Happy Chinese New Year y'all!!!
I was driving home from work the other day and I heard this song. The tune, the words and the singer's voice go so well together. It made the song even stronger.
I Can't Make You Love Me - by Bonnie RaittTurn down the lights, turn down the bedTurn down these voices inside my headLay down with me, tell me no liesJust hold me close, don't patronize - don't patronize me'Cause I can't make you love me if you don'tYou can't make your heart feel something it won'tHere in the dark, in these lonely hoursI will lay down my heart and I'll feel the powerBut you won't, no you won't'Cause I can't make you love me, if you don'tI'll close my eyes, then I won't seeThe love you don't feel when you're holding meMorning will come and I'll do what's rightJust give me till then to give up this fightAnd I will give up this fight'Cause I can't make you love me if you don'tYou can't make your heart feel something it won'tHere in the dark, in these lonely hoursI will lay down my heart and I'll feel the powerBut you won't, no you won't'cause I can't make you love me, if you don't
Here's a list of things I've learnt about men...
1) They're a blur case when it comes to a woman's heart
2) Say they'll call but they never do (my personal favourite)
3) Always have a lame excuse for not calling
4) They burp in front you! (and don't apologize for it)
5) They also can 'jual mahal' or play hard to get
6) They say one thing and do another
7) They're just as confusing as us women
8) They spend too much money on their cars (which depreciates with time)
9) Do not diss the car
10) They are just as bad a driver on the road as they say we are (worse sometimes)
Guys, please don't kill me...these are just are most welcome to prove me wrong
Minding my own business and reading the papers on a Saturday morning while eating breakfast, is a ritual that I follow without fail. Glancing through the classifieds is even more of ritual because I'm always curious to see who's hiring.
Maybe it was a coicidence or maybe it was my answer to whether I should quit...there it was...a position for buyers for Esprit to be based in Hong Kong!!
Well, after some coaxing by Hobbit & FunkyMonkeyErin, I've sent in my cv to them today. Now to hope...
*dramaqueendrea crosses her finger hard*
Yesterday was a holiday and thank God for it because it gave me some time to rest. You would think that with a holiday, I would be healthy and well rested. Big no no. I woke up with no voice!
The sore throat I had the day before had become worse and my nose was runny. I was plain sick. Luckily, it seemed to wear off with the day.
Went out with Pearly Pearl last night to watch The Holiday. If you wanna catch a good feel good love story, this would be it. It was one movie that really spoke to me. Love life, loving someone that doesn't feel the was like watching my own love life on big screen.
Here comes the funny part...Pearly Pearl and I had just got out of the cinema and were heading to the parking lot. Right smack in the middle of GSC, she has to drop her ring. I don't know how she did it but the ring landed on my boob! I let out a yelp that made everyone turn. We both started looking and she was going "My ring! My ring!" We started looking around the floor which made even more people look at us >_<
Just as we thought it was gone, she flips up her jacket and there the ring fall to the floor. Duh!! So it must have bounced off my boob and landed back on her, only on her jacket that she was carrying. Now we know I have a bouncy boob... >_<
Anyways, I'm back to being sick again....My body is slowly breaking down
SwenBobo, your dinner party better not be too happening or I think I'll die tomorrow nite...