Love, Life & Other Mysteries

Friday, April 01, 2005

April's Big Fool

I went to bed last night thinking today would be a good day. I had a long day ahead where I could just relax till the evening when I had dinner plans with some girl friends. I had a night chat with Jack In The Box and the went to sleep soundly.

This morning, everything was still fine till I got that phone call...I knew exactly who it would be and knew that my future lay ahead of me. I pick up the call that would determine my future and all I could was the guy telling that I was good but somebody else beat me to it. I just muttered a thank you and put down the phone. The feelings I had inside were just indescribable. I didn't know what to feel. Was it disappointment or just optimism for the near future. It just felt like a really bad April fool's joke and I was the FOOL!

I went to my room and I couldn't help but cry out to God 'why?' Wasn't this job good enough for me? Was there something better in store for me? I wanted to think not but maybe there would be.

I've felt depressed the whole day but I know that life must go on and I must not give up the good fight.



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