Just a random picture I took of myself last week while on the way to dinner. Ok, I don't just go out looking like this all the time la. The red streak is not red no more...time to do something new...
The last one week has been hell for me. I've been so busy with work that I have 10 minute lunches and only go home to sleep. We've been preparing for a presentation and so we've had to work till late...I'm so tired...I'm suppose to be working but I'm taking a breather and blogging!
I've been doing some thinking lately and come to a conclusion about myself. I think I know why I'm harping on the fact that I'm still single. Other than the fact that quite a few of my friends are getting married next year, I think I've been focusing on my singleness because I've not had a single decent relaltionship. The ones I've had, have left me hurt, wounded, broken...scarred. And thus the wanting of a decent relationship has plagued me. That's my theory la...
Anyway, I may not always be happy with where I am rite now...But I accept it. It just gets lonely sometimes...
Ok, back to work!
How am I doing lately? I would say that it could be better.
Good thing is that I've been kept busy in the office this whole week with work. Doesn't keep me thinking about the rut that I feel that I'm in. I just go home feeling exhausted and fall asleep the minute my head touches my pillow.
Went out last night to watch 'Step Up' with CynCyn and SexyIsabel and then we headed to Hartamas for drinks.
Is there anything else to look forward to this week? Nothing, just this...

Alcohol bought at a cheap cheap price from Langkawi. Yeah...I was in Langkawi last week for another long awaited holiday. You don't see a post on it because there was nothing to post about. It was just a much needed relaxing holiday.
Bailey's sounds good tonight...
I had a fight with a certain someone yesterday who over the course of 3 months, has become someone who has touched my life and means a lot to me. I would never have thought that I would develop a friendship with him but I did. I may have considered him a joker before this but over the last few months, he has become someone who has the ability to make me smile when things go wrong and he has become someone important that I take concern over. I've come to love his goodness and accept his flaws. Someone I would like to have around for a long time to come.
Yesterday, we had a fight over what I will not say but I think it has left us sore and hurt. I don't know if it affects him but it sure has for me. We ended the conversation with a goodbye that felt like it was for good.
I fell asleep disturbingly with a head full of thoughts and eyes full of tears.
I'm having a distracted time at work. Sigh...
I'm broken hearted.....again...
My only wish is for you to see me differently. I'm not pretty. I'm not that smart. I'm emotional. I'm more sensitive than you think I am. I'm insecure. I'm edgy. I'm not as strong as you think I am. I'm imperfect...
But with you, I'm not ashamed of my flaws. I am totally at ease and comfortable. You make me smile in more ways than one. You make my day a whole lot better when it's gone wrong.
If only you could see this...If only you could see us...
This past weekend was a blast....at first. SexyIsabel's house mate is currently away so she invited CynCyn and I for a sleepover at her place. The initial plan was to have dinner and then have drinks and then chill at her place. Plans changed. Dinner we did but then CynCyn had to go off to another appointment that she couldn't cancel. When I picked them up, I got a surprise. Red Carnations presented to me by these 2 lovely ladies. I stared at them and at the flowers for a quite a while...hehe...shocked la!
So SexyIsabel got us invites to the launch of Rain (old Modestos in Hartamas). My advice, don't go. Nothing really fantastic and everything just felt very weird. Maybe because it was the big opening. There were all sorts of people there and somehow it wasn't a good mix. But I did meet a cute guy (in my opinion at least) and he happen to be my friend's friend so it was easier to get introduced to. There's more than meets the eye, this cute guy had a bad handshake and sweaty hands!! Ok, out of the question. A guy without a firm grip is not my kind of guy. The other surprise was.....CuciMataObject! He happen to be there too and he just happily parked himself and his friends right at the table next to the bar where SexyIsabel and I were sitting. Still a sweet talker he is and still as touchy as well. Very charming but not my type anymore.

After a few drinks, SexyIsabel and I ditched the place and we decided to drive to TSB but on the way, CynCyn said she was coming so TSB got cancelled and we went back to the condo and watched tv and ate and drank some more till bout 3am. That wasn't the end. CynCyn and I had a talk until 4am.
Saturday morning, CynCyn left early and SexyIsabel and I headed to Midvalley for shopping. We walked and walked and walked. And while I was standing in line waiting for the ATM, I got a gift from SexyIsabel.

During training, Sara surprised me with a gift from Patchi's. Really good chocolates but pretty expensive too.Yummy!! It was her thank you gift to me for helping her with some work. Thanks Sara!
Saturday night was spent at home catching up on the sleep that I missed out on Friday. So it was an early night for me but not without thoughts and sad decisions.
Went out for dinner with PearlyPearl on Sunday. She just came back from Sydney bout a week ago so I got goodies from her!
This past weekend was filled with loads of emotions, happy and sad. I've had to make some conclusions for myself with a certain someone. I've come to like him as more than just a friend and I have become attached to him but yet, at this point, it pains me because of the decision I have to make. I don't wanna cut him off but I know that if I don't, I will only hurt myself even more. It is for our own good because I'm the only one in this relationship that is ready to move to the next level.
It's not an easy decision to make but at this point, I have no choice. I only hope that I will be strong enough to do this and that he will understand. I know I have to do it but I can't bring myself to. Last night was the last time I spoke to him...
I was doing my usual morning routine of going through the newspapers for my client's ads as well as competitors' ads this morning and this is what I found. Press title has been censored but if you wanna know which paper, ask me.
This front page ad was a teaser for a brand that sells women's anti-aging products of which I will not mention but it just looked and sounded SO SO SO WRONG wei...(think perversely and you'll get the drift)

Yesterday was VonVon's birthday. She's entered the last of her teen years...She's 19. Gosh...I am old! My teen years seem so far away now...
Well, we treated her to cake at Secret Recipe and then took her to Char Chan Teng as they have this gigantic ice-tea special for birthday people. When I say gigantic, I mean it! Here's some pictures of the birthday girl doing her best...
Pictures courtesy of my phone and SwenBoBo
Stoners in a row except for DannyBoy (L - R : FunkyMonkeyErin, LittleMels, JoeD'Moe & DannyBoy)

The cakes we ordered. The Apple Crumble Cheese Cake is really really good!

The other half of the stoners (L - R: Eunice, VonVon, SuperJann & myself)

DannyBoy getting the challenge ready for VonVon while LittleMels, TMT, Elaine and Eunice look on
VonVon with her challenge. The glass is as big as her head!

Doing what she does best...multi-tasking...

We set a target for her to finish (where the tissue is). Her face is saying, "Oh man...help me finish!!"

JoeD'Moe keeping an eye on VonVon to make sure she drinks her fill

"Wah...I feel like dying already!" Check out the size difference between SwenBoBo's glass and VonVon's ice tea glass
The night ended with me sending SwenBoBo and SuperJann home and me reaching home at 1am. Now, I'm sleepy!!!